NaN library is a beautiful collection of weird typefaces. Not a weird collection of beautiful typefaces.

Trial fonts

NaN Rage

7 Families, 4 Widths, 9 Weights, 252 Styles, LAT

NaN Serf

2 flavours, 3 optical sizes, 8 weights, italics, LAT

NaN Serf Sans

8 weights, italics, ARB+CYR+GRK+LAT+PANAF+THAI
NaN Serf Sans Panafrican Ne wòle be, wɔdaɖoɖo. Wòkpɔ

NaN Jaune

3 optical sizes, 8 weights, italics, LAT+CYR

NaN Holo

5 widths + mono, 6 weights, LAT

NaN Druid

2 families, 8 weights, LAT

NaN Spaceland

7 weights, LAT

NaN Hyena

3 families, 9 weight, LAT

NaN Tragedy

2 optical sizes, mono, italics, LAT

NaN Metrify

3 flavours, 9 widths, 6 weights, italics, ARB+CYR+HBW+GRK+LAT+PANAF+THAI
NaN Metrify Latin Condensed Page length (in bytes) 26,229 – ish
NaN Metrify Latin Wide @hash {'ME'
NaN Metrify Latin Ultrawide Übergröße Präzisionsm

NaN Tresor

3 optical sizes, 5 weights, LAT+PANAF

NaN Success

3 families, widths and/or weights, LAT+CYR

NaN Fiasco

9 weights, LAT

NaN Weiss

9 weights, LAT

Back-to-School Font Pack

You’re a student?
Get our pack of 150 fonts for €50 (instead of €6000)!

Free-to-use & Open-Source Typefaces

NaN Holo Giga­wide Ultra

Free-to-Use, 1 weight, LAT
NaN Holo Gigawide Ultra Ein Auto fuhr durch Gossensaß


Open-Source, 6 weights, LAT+CYR
Machine Learning generated font desciption
This typeface that doesn’t try to look “normal” is actually quite a feat.